The Uncharted Path: A Journey Beyond the Ordinary


Evelyn Ann Rose

The path of formal education has always felt like a steep, unforgiving mountain range to me, each peak representing a challenge more formidable than the last. As I moved further along this path, the allure of reaching the summit began to fade. The routine of academia, with its set expectations and traditional milestones, felt increasingly out of sync with my inner rhythm. The more I pondered my future, the more I realized that perhaps this well-trodden path wasn’t meant for me. Maybe it was time to venture into something more complex, something that truly resonated with who I am. After all, the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

From a young age, I knew the traditional office life wasn’t for me. The thought of spending my days behind a desk, confined within the four walls of a cubicle, seemed almost suffocating. It wasn’t the kind of life I envisioned for myself. I’ve always believed that God designed me for a unique purpose, something that involved more than just following a prescribed career path. I felt a deep sense of calling, a need to do something that truly mattered to me.

In my part of the country, I’ve built a reputation as a pretty good DJ. It’s a craft I’ve developed over the years, starting from humble beginnings at local parties and events. What began as a hobby soon turned into a passion, and now, it seems like the right moment to take it to the next level. Being a DJ isn’t just about playing music; it’s about connecting with people, understanding their emotions, and creating an atmosphere where they can let go and enjoy the moment. I’ve always enjoyed being around people, and this profession allows me to do just that.

But as I contemplate my future, I realize that I don’t want to stop at being just a DJ. The idea is to turn this job into a brand, something that people recognize and associate with quality and innovation. From there, I dream of expanding into a social marketing agency, a platform where I can help others promote their brands and connect with their audiences. It sounds simple when I say it out loud, but the reality is far more challenging.

For the past year, I’ve been running a funny channel, a side project that I hoped would complement my DJ career. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this channel, creating content that I believed would resonate with people. It took me an entire year to reach 10,000 followers—a milestone that, at first glance, might seem like a success. But the harsh reality is that Facebook doesn’t monetize content creators from Botswana. Despite all the effort I’ve put into the channel, I haven’t earned a single dime from it. It’s frustrating, to say the least. I can’t help but wonder why this is the case. Why, Mark Zuckerberg? Why is it that creators like me, who are putting in the work, aren’t being rewarded for their efforts?

So here I am, making a decent income from DJing every weekend, but it’s not enough to achieve the dreams I have in mind. I want to multiply my earnings, to create multiple streams of income that will secure my future. That’s when I started looking into Forex trading. It’s a world of high risk, but also high reward. I’ve reached a point where I don’t mind losing money if it means there’s a chance to make more. But don’t get me wrong—I’m not going to gamble away everything I’ve earned. The plan is to take calculated risks, using only the money that would otherwise be sitting in savings.

Money never sleeps, so why should I let it rest in a savings account when it could be out there working for me? The key, I’ve learned, is discipline. I’ve seen too many of my friends fall into the trap of spending their winnings on flashy clothes and luxuries, only to lose sight of their long-term goals. I don’t want to make the same mistake. If I can stay focused and be profitable in Forex trading, then I’ll have the means to pursue my next big venture—a real estate investment company.

Real estate has always intrigued me. There’s something about owning property, about building something tangible that can provide a steady income for years to come, that excites me. It’s a long-term investment, one that requires patience and careful planning. But I’m willing to put in the work. The idea is to create a diversified portfolio, with properties that generate passive income while appreciating in value over time.

This is my plan for now, a roadmap that I hope will lead me to success. I know it won’t be easy. The path ahead is filled with challenges, and there will be moments when doubt creeps in. But I’m determined to stay focused on the goal, to keep my eyes on the prize. I’ve learned that in life, nothing worth having comes easy. It requires hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks.

As I move forward, I’ll continue to share my journey, to update you on my progress. I hope that when I do, it will be with good news, with stories of success and growth. But until then, I must keep pushing, keep striving to turn my dreams into reality. Goodbye for now, but not for long—I’ll be back with more to share, and hopefully, with stories of triumph.
